Snapper, view and edit audio file right in the Mac Finder

What's Snapper ?

When you select an audio file in the Mac Finder, Snapper immediately appears right beneath the current window, showing you the wave form.


Hit the space bar or double-click in the wave form to play. Or use auto-play to start playing the moment you select the file. Vari-speed is available too.

Drag, Drop and Convert

In the Snapper wave form you can select a part of the sound file and:

  • drag it out, to create a new file.
  • drag it to any DAW, sequencer or audio editor
  • turn the selection into an mp3 file. (or m4a)
  • split interleaved stereo files into separate .L and .R file sets or vise versa
  • convert to m4a and attach it to an email in one go.
  • export to WAV (BWF, Broadcast Wave), mp3, or m4a (MPEG-4 audio).

Which formats can it handle?

All of them.
Snapper opens over 50 sound file formats. That includes compressed files, split stereo, 192 kHz, 5.1 surround files, cds and videos containing audio. Snapper shows loops, markers, timestamps, regions, BWF annotations, even album covers. You name it, Snapper can handle it. For some formats you need to install external components, here's more on that.


Snapper follows your file selection in the Finder. It shows a wave form as soon as you select an audio file.

Pro Tools, Nuendo, Logic, Cubase, Live

You can drag (selections from) files directly to the cursor of your sequencer or audio editor.

Copy Protection

After purchase you receive a personal activation code to unlock the Snapper demo.

What does the demo do ?

Everything, for one hundred (100!) days. After that it simply stops working. You can download the demo here.

Snapper ❤️ SoundFX

Snapper now adds an informer that communicates all metadata within WAV files to MacOS Spotlight, so you can search and find Sound FX metadata in the Finder. This includes, BEXT, Copyright, creator, annotations, comments etc.

Universal Category System logo On top of that Snapper embeds the Universal Category System so you can look for synonyms and category explanations. Snapper displays the entire category and subcategory names, rather than their abbreviations.

The Spotlight informer requires at least MacOS 10.14 Mojave. It takes a while for your library to be rescanned by spotlight, but you can trigger priority for you sound FX library by adding it’s top level folder to to the ‘privacy’ list in System Preferences Spotlight, and then removing it again form the list.

Video tutorials

Check out these three videos to get more in depth information on Snapper. Learn more about play functions, freeze mode, short keys. Find out about various display options, zooming, converting to different formats, drag export, and more...

Snapper plays

Snapper displays

Snapper converts

The Snapper demo works 100 days without any limitation. You can testdrive Snapper properly this way. Prepare to get hooked.

If you like the demo you can purchase an activation key code to unlock the demo to the full version.

Download the Snapper 3.1.4 demo

Installing the latest Snapper demo will update any installed Snapper (full or demo) to the latest version.

Mac OS X
The latest Snapper 3 requires:
- macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or higher, macOS 15 (Sequoia), 14 (Sonoma) and 13 (Ventura) are fully supported
- optionally some third party codecs

To read or export some audio file formats third party software is required. Here's a list of optional packages you can install to get all out of Snapper.

Export to MP3 files
Lame mp3 encoder (download from CNET)
Reading FLAC files on macOS 10.13 or lower
FLAC IMPORT DECODER for lossless audio input (display .flac files with Snapper)

Only required on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or lower. From macOS 10.14 (Mojave) and up FLAC support is included in the macOS by default.

The latest Snapper 3 is a fully 64 bits application supporting the latest macOS 15 (Sequoia), 14 (Sonoma) and macOS 13 (Ventura).
Version 3.1.0 adds native compatibility for the Apple silicon (ARM/M1) computers to ensure Snapper snaps on the new macs too.

Snapper ❤️ Sound FX

The update to Snapper 3 is free for all registered Snapper 2 users.

Simply download Snapper 3 and drag the app to your applications folder (make sure the old Snapper app is not running) and that will get you fully up to date.

Connect with us to stay up to date

Download demo

Download the Snapper demo. It works without any limitation the first 100 days ! After this you can unlock the app by purchasing a key code.

Unlock demo

You can unlock the Snapper demo (on all your computers) using the key code you receive when you purchase Snapper.

Lost / forgot key code ?

If you lost your key code to unlock the Snapper demo, you can have it resend to you here.


To enable mp3 output or FLAC input some optional codecs need to be downloaded and installed.

100 second tour

Become a Snapper ninja in less then 100 seconds by checking this video.

More videos

Master your Snapper skills by watching more tutorial/manual videos.

F A Q !

Answers to your questions, background information, see the faq below.

Change/update registration

Change or update your registered email address at

Need more help?

Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

+31 30 244 6335



Frequently asked questions

Snapper could act weird on your macOS system. In these ways: Snapper does not (always) appear when selecting audio file or Snapper crashes on quitting the application or preferences are not recalled properly.
Some check box has to be checked in the Mac OS System Preferences to ensure Snapper works properly. Maybe this somehow did not work on your system.

Please try this:
  • first quit Snapper (make sure it is not running)
  • then delete the Snapper preferences file: com.audioease.snapper.plist. This file is the Preferences folder in the User Library. Open the Mac Finder, hit the GO menu, hold down the option (ALT) key and a link to the Library folder will appear. Go to the Preferences folder and delete the file.
  • then please restart your mac (important)
  • now run snapper
  • open the mac os system preferences
  • go to the security and privacy settings panel
  • then to the privacy tab
  • select the accessibility panel on the left
  • open the lock on the bottom left (and fill in your password) to make changes
  • if Snapper is listed here, please select it and hit the - (minus) button to remove it from the list
  • now quit and run snapper and it should be added to the list again
  • make sure the box for Snapper is ☑️ checked. If it IS already checked then please un-check and ☑️ re-check it
  • quit and start Snapper
snapper 2 vital macos system setting in security and privacy panel
Snapper opens when you select any file that contains audio, also video files.
This sometimes is a problem, when you want to use the space bar to quickly preview the video in the finder.
There is a simple hack for this:

Use: SHIFT + SPACE BAR to preview the video

This works, even when Snapper is showing you the audio waveform of your selected video in the finder.
Snapper uses a temp folder to write the drag export files (selections) into when you drag (a selection) out of Snapper. Somehow on your system Snapper is unable to write in this folder.

By default the drag export folder is:

You can check in the Snapper preferences what you currently use. Open Snapper, go to the preferences, open the export tab, then close to the bottom you should find:

snapper drag export folder preference
Hit the Folder... button to change the location (we recommend this: /Users/Shared/Snapper)
When this is set, quit Snapper, then start Snapper and then check in the Snapper Preferences if this option is still set correctly.
If not, we have to reset some things, see below.**
If the folder is correctly set, then let's open the /Users/Shared folder in the Finder, select the Snapper folder, hit get info and under sharing & permissions ensure your user and the everyone group are set to Read & Write.
Hit the circle with the three dots and hit 'apply to enclosed items'.
Now dragging audio (selections) out of Snapper should work again.

** If the settings in the Snapper preferences do not stick, something's wrong.
This problem is most likely solved by removing the Snapper cache and preferences.

Open the Mac Finder, hit the GO menu, hold down the option (ALT) key and a link to the Library folder will appear. Open the Caches folder and delete these four folders: com.audioease.snapper

Go to the Preferences folder and delete this file:

Then restart the mac (this is important, as the macOS caches the prefs).
You can request your Snapper activation code by clicking on the Lost / forgot key code link at:
This can be handy when you lost or misplaced the key code to unlock the Snapper demo to the full version.