Oratorium, Schloss Esterházy - Eisenstadt, Austria
Hardly any offensive features can be heard in the acoustics of the Oratorium. The small room with plastered dome shaped ceiling combined with a thick wooden floor has a bright and long decay, without distant slap-backs normally associated with reverbs of this length. Excellent acoustics for vocals, and because of the almost complete lack of resonances, quite suitable for percussive instruments.
The splendid Baroque residence palace built by Carlo Martino Carlone for Prince Paul IV Esterházy (16351713) between 1663 and 1672 transforming the medieval castle. Prince Paul Anton Esterházy (17111762), Prince Nicholas Joseph Esterházy (17141790) and Prince Nicholas II Esterházy (17651833) were the patrons of the composer Joseph Haydn (17321809), who worked here from 1761 for 30 years as court conductor. The precious festival hall, today called Haydn-Saal, was the room where Haydn conducted uncounted performances which were also visited by such famous guests as Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz List, but also by Lady Hamilton or Admiral Nelson.