Church Iglesia de San Miguel, Cuenca - Spain Churches:
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home>impulse responses>music rooms>church page update: Thu, Feb 8, 2007
San Miguel Church, Cuenca - Spain

Engineers: Bert van de Wolf, Fir Suidema.

There are three access areas to San Miguel Descent, a large series of steps over the river Júcar leading to the church of the same name, which is a magnificent building from the latter end of the 13th century that still retains its original apse. The remainder of the church was rebuilt in the 18th century and restored in the 20th century. It has a magnificent Renaissance main front and is often used for concerts and other cultural events.

Pyramix recording software and hardware connected to dCS converters and Sonodore Microphones. Sweep was played back via an Avalon monitor. The build-up in the low end, the sheer bottom of the audio spectrum, is almost as impressive as the 300 meter of stairs to bring 800 kilogram of high end recording equipment into the church.

Download Iglesia de San Miguel, Cuenca IR Set [40 mb]
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