Audio Ease - BarbaBatch - Supported Filetypes - Sonic Solutions

Sonic Solutions Filetypes

When you have to convert legacy or contemporary sonic solutions file formats between each other or to other formats Barbabatch is the choice. Barbabatch offers wider support for legacy sonic filetypes than the latest versions of the sonic HD software.

When you select Sonic Solutions as your output file type, five word sizes are available in the word size popup:

1. 16 bits SSP/USP/SSHD
No difference between SSP, USP and SSHD so far

2. 24 bits ‘unpacked’ SSP/USP style
This is the 24 bits file format that is native to systems using an SSP board or older USP boards.
Actually 32 bits are used to store 24 bits words, which was fixed partly in an update of this format. That’s why this format is also referred to as ‘unpacked’.

2. 24 bits ‘packed’ USP style
This is the 24 bits file format that is native to the Sonic Studio Software and is also known as ‘packed 24 bits’. It is also the file that is generated by the SSHD software when ‘24 compatible’ is checked in the New SoundFile Parameters dialog from the SSHD software.

4. 24 bits SSHD 1.4 (Little Endian) style
This is the 24 bits file format native to the SSHD 1.4 software.

5. 24 bits SSHD 1.5 (Big Endian) style

This is the 24 bits file format native to the SSHD 1.5 software.

All Sonic Solutions 32 bit files can be read by BarbaBatch

All Sonic Solutions exported 24 bit AIFF files can be read By BarbaBatch

The file's timestamps can be maintained when converted, or converted to ProTools or BWF timestamps.

A folder per stereo pair
All Stereo (.1 &.2 or .3 & .4 etc) Sonic output files normally get their own folder, just as the USP software likes it. When obviously connected files are added to the input, such as .1 through .6, all output files will be dropped in a single folder.

No reduce file generation
Reduce files that contain the waveform diaplay data are not produced by BarbaBatch. Both SonicStudio 5.4 and SSHD software can create Waveforms after a file is imported.